A seminar dealing with the loss of a loved one The goal of this seminar is to reach out to others who have lost a loved one, to comfort them, to console them, and to listen to them. On your journey we want to offer you hope. We want to cultivate spiritual and emotional healing from your loss. We will do this by covering the stages of grief. Studies have been done to try to learn how loss affects us and how we react to grief through various stages.
Many come through these stages with a deeper understanding of oneself at a new stage of life as a part of the growth that can occur having gone through the grief process. It is our hope that this seminar may bring you some peace and contentment, and that by the end of this time that we spend together you may better understand the grief process.
This is a four-week seminar beginning: Sunday, June 26 at Sacred Heart Parish Center at 21599 Parke Lane, Grosse Ile. 12:15 – 1:30 PM in Room 2 Facilitated by Sr. Helen Therese, OSF, Pastoral Associate at Sacred Heart On June 26, we will discuss the best day and time for meeting for the following three weeks.