The Stewardship Commission is a service group of the Pastoral Council and of other commissions of the Council. The Commission plans, recommends, and, with Council approval, implements actions on Parish financial support, and the effective management and use of Parish resources. These resources include parishioner’s time, talent and treasure offered. The Stewardship Commission is concerned with three broad areas: (1) the effective utilization of parish resources; (2) the budget; and (3) the total Christian Stewardship Program: Time, Talent and Treasure.
Other volunteer opportunities include Catholic Services Appeal, Changing Lives Together Campaign, Fundraising & Raffles, Professional Services: Legal, Marketing & Skilled Trades.
It is our hope that your faith will deepen through our worship, service, education, and stewardship in the name of Jesus Christ. Each of these facets of parish life will have a direct effect on you and, in turn, directly touches every other member of the community.
The Christian Service Commission reflects on how Catholic Social Teaching might be lived out most fully in our parish and creates and promotes programs which address human needs and ways to achieve justice locally or globally. Yearly emphasis is put on a Catholic Social Teaching principle by means of the Illumination Series during Advent. The Commission focuses on the following areas:
Justice and Peace: fostering and promoting a faith-based social action agenda through the life of the parish relying on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
Health Advocacy: combines two objectives: (1) to seek out health needs of parish members and mobilize parish resources and (2) advocate for full inclusion of persons with disabilities in parish life. Within the Health Advocacy Committee we have three registered nurses trained as Parish Nurses. These women serve as resources and advocates for the needs of parishioners.
Life Issues Committee: raising awareness of the various issues related to the respect for and dignity of all life.
The purpose of the Education Commission is to promote and encourage lifelong faith formation for all its parishioners at all age levels. The Commission and its Committees share in the responsibility for promoting the teaching mission of the Church by developing, creating, promoting and evaluating faith formation programs.
The EC has two standing committees: Family Faith and Adult Faith. There are also ample opportunities to serve in Grades 1 – 8 Education as a Catechist (Preschool – Middle School, Sacramental or Substitute), Classroom Assistant, Hall Monitors, Liturgy of the Word for Children Presenter, and Religious Formation Office Help, and Youth Group Adult Volunteer. Within Adult Education, there are opportunities as a Bible Study Leader, RCIA Sponsor and Wake Ministry.
RCIA Dismissal Minister
RCIA Sponsor
Wake Minister